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Compliance Reports
Detailed Project Report for Metro Rail Transit System between Poonamallee and Parandur
CMRL Advances Universal Accessibility for Phase II Metro Stations and Paves the Way for an Inclusive Metro Experience
Pink Squad
Design, Manufacturing Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Maintenance and Operation of a Self-Propelled Rail-Grinding Machine of Minimum 8 Stones Module
NIT.No:CMRL/SYS/RS/Stores/463/2025 – Invitation of quotation for Supply of Diesel for Rolling Stock Depot Machine for 2 years
Design verification & validation, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Supply of spares & special tools, Operations and Maintenance during two (02) years Defect Liability Period (DLP) and five (05) years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of Ventilation and Air Conditioning (VAC), Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS), Associated Electrical and integrated SCADA works for eight (08) Underground stations in Corridor-4 (C4) from Lighthouse to Kodambakkam station, including C4 related TVS SCADA works at Thirumayilai station and Integrated Station Management Systems (ISMS) at OCC and BOCC.
Procurement of 25.9 Kms of Control Cables for Additional Sectioning of OHE work
Procurement of Cast Resin PT 25 KV 10 Nos.
Procurement of 25 KV Pole mounted Vaccum Interrupters 7 Nos.
Procurement of OHE Discharge Rods 65 Nos.
Procurement of Short Nuetral Sections 5 Nos.
Extension Ladders and A Type ladders -36 nos.
Section Insulator Assembly-15 Nos.
Procurement of Silicon Protection Sleeve for catenary – 2000Mtrs.
OHE Composite Insulators 5100 Nos.
Procurement of Anti Bird Dics 2870 Nos.
Procurement of Anti Bird Net 600 sq.mtr
Procurement of Anti Bird Disc 55 mm 1000 Nos. & Anti Bird Disc 70 mm 1000 Nos. FOCS number Plates 47 Nos. & ROCS number Plates 175 Nos.
Procurement of Short Nuetral Sections 4 Nos.
Detailed Design and Construction of Saidapet Commercial Comlex comprising of Stilt (Parking) + 2 Upper Floors, Architectural, Structural, MEP works including Lifts, Façade Works, Signages, Landscaping and Horticulture works
Tender for providing traction maintenance services with trained manpower for Traction Overhead Equipment and Power Supply installations at 41 Metro Stations consisting of 21 nos. Underground and 20 nos. Elevated stations for Corridor-1 & Corridor-2 of Phase-1 and Phase-1 extension including two depot sections at Koyambedu, Wimconagar and three receiving substations at Koyambedu, Alandur, Chennai Central of Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Procurement of 8 types of OHE Clamps -total qty 1975
Procurement of 110 KV Lightning arrestors 5 nos. & surge monitors 33 nos.
Servicing of all Fire Enxtiungushers and Panel Gas flooding systems in Two Receiving Substations
Procurement of 80 Nos. of OHE ATD Counter Weights and Three Nos. of OMV Engine Cranking Batteries
Providing 24X7 Manning of Traction Power Receiving Sub Station With Trained Man Power At 2 Receiving Sub Stations of Chennai Metro Rail Limited consisting of Power Supply Installations
Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing, Training and Commissioning of RSS, ASS, SCADA, OHE, Switching Station for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Sholinganallur to Sipcot 2) and Corridor 5 (From Puratchi Thalavi Dr.J Jayalalitha CMBT Metro)”
‘Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing, Training and Commissioning of RSS, ASS, SCADA for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony to Sholinganallur) and Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony to CMBT Including Depot at Madhavaram)”
‘Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing, Training and Commissioning of OHE & Switching Station for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony to Sholinganallur) and Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony to CMBT Including Depot at Madhavaram)”
Design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing, training and commissioning of RSS, ASS, SCADA, OHE & Switching Stations for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 4 (From Poonamallee Bypass to Lighthouse, including Depot at Poonamallee)
Bid No: GEM/2025/B/6010569 – Consultancy Assignment for Independent Safety Audit to Enchance the Compliance with Safety Procedures in Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) Phase-2 Civil & Tracks Projects – Section – A – Reg
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/Civil Maintenance/RW-01/2025 “Repair Works at Koyambedu Depot and other Metro Stations”.
Overstay Penalty for Metro Travel
Chennai Metro’s Phase II project achieves a key milestone with the completion of grade separator work in Corridor 4 between Mullaithottam and Poonamallee Depot
Engagement of Consultant for Review and Recommendations of Design Drawings/Documents of 15 no’s Phase II Metro stations as per the Harmonized Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility to Create a barrier-free environment within the station premises
Preparation of Detail Project Report, Feasibility study, Market analysis, Transactional advice, Concept plans, Land use report etc including submission of documents to CMDA/GCC for approval, preparation of Cost Estimate and Tender Documents for property development at MVN Nagar in Thirumangalam, Nandanam and Thousand Lights
Design & Construction of Architectural, Structural, MEP Works, including Signage, Landscaping, Horticulture, and Miscellaneous Works for the Open Space Reservation (OSR) Land at Metros, Nandanam, Chennai
“Design & Construction of RCC Framed Structure Covering Open Transformer Area alandur RSS (Including Civil, MEP & MISC. Works)
Design and Construction of Civil, Structural, Architecture, MEP, VAC, Lifts, Escalators, Landscaping and Associated Works for Development of Chennai Central Tower.
Design & Consutruction of Back-Up Opertional Control Centre (B-OCC) facilities at Metros, Nandanam (in the existing building at 2nd floor) including Civil, E&M, VAC, Architectural finishes and associated works
Group Ticket
Design & Construction of a G+1 Government School Building near Okkiyam Thoraipakkam (Including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing and Misc Works)
Preparation of Detail Project Report Feasibility study, Market analysis, Transactional advice, Concept plans, Land use report etc including submission of documents to CMD/GCC for approval, preparation of Cost Estimate and Tender Documents for property development at Alandur, Alapakkam Junction, Boat Club, Nandanam and Wimco Nagar Depot.
Singara Chennai Card
Consultancy Assignment for Handholding the Risk Committee for Development & Implementation of Risk Management Policy and Mitigation Measures
Insurance Coverage for Fixed Assets in Phase-I & Phase-I extension corridors of Chennai Metro Rail Limited including, Cyber Liability, Directors’ & Officers’ Liability, Commercial General Liability and Personal Accident Insurance Policies
Vigilance Directory
Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioing and Traning of Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, VAC works, BMS System from Madhavaram Milk Colony Station (Excluding) – Ch:76.000 to Grain Market Station (Excluding) – Ch: 16399.716 for 6 nos Underground Stations, and 10 nos Elevated Stations, Bored Tunnel, Cut & Cover, U Section, Elevated Ramp, Elevated Viaduct” In Corridor-5 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II.
Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Fire Protection and VAC works for 22 Elevated Stations from Koyambedu Market Metro Station to Elcot Park Metro Station including Viaduct between the stations (Ch: 15776 to Ch: 45300), for Corridor 5 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase-II.
Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and training of Electrical, Fire protection and VAC works for 18 elevated Stations from PowerHouse Stations to Poonamalle Bypass station including Viaduct between the stations (Ch 10027.102 to Ch 25928.186), approach Ramp, including Poonamallee Depot for Corridor 4 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase-II
Commuters Corner
Tender No: CMRL/PH-II/CON/27/C4-ECV01&02/MW-01 – Construction of Entry/Exit Structures Closure, Civil Works for Additional Escalators, Supply & Installation of Fixed Glass Panel at Platform Level for Corridor-04 Elevated Stations of Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase-2
Detailed Project Report for Metro Rail Transit System between Koyambedu and Pattabiram (Outer Ring Road)
Shri. S. Krishnamoorthy, IRAS
Shri. T. Archunan, IRSE
Shri. Srinivas Katikithala, IAS
First Tunnel Boring Machine launched from Corridor 5 of CMRL Phase 2 project TBM Kurinji launched at Kolathur Ramp
Tender No: CMRL-RSP-002-2024 (under JICA loan agreement ID-P258)- “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of of Anti Drag Feature/System in all the saloon doors of 52 trains of CMRL Phase-1”.
Tender No: CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02: Design verification & validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including system Acceptance Testing, Integrated testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of spares & special tools, Two years Defect Liability Period(DLP), Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance(CAMC) along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning system (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA works for 16 Underground stations in Corridor-03 from KMC station to Taramani Road Junction station including Tunnel and Ramp sections between the stations.
Tender No: CP32/C5&3-VAC&TVS-01: Design Verification & Validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including System Acceptance Testing, Integrated Testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of Spares & Special Tools, Two years Defect Liability Period (DLP), Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance (CAMC) along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning System (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA Works at each station level Including Integration at OCC level and also SCADA integration between the two packages (CP32/C5&3- VAC&TVS-01 And CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02) for 6 Underground Stations in Corridor-05 from Nathamuni Station to Kolathur Station, Venugopal Nagar Station and Associated Tunnels and Ramps between the Stations and For 12 Underground Stations in Corridor-03 from Madhavaram Milk Colony Station to Kellys Junction Station Including Tunnel and Ramp Sections between the Stations.
Detailed Project Report for Chennai Metro Phase 1 Extension from Airport to Kilambakkam Bus Terminal submitted
Project Status
Tender No: CMRL/TDR-CON-32/C4-DPT-01-BW-04/2025- “Land Scaping/ Horticulture Works including related Civil, Electrical, Irrigation and Associated works at Poonamallee Depot”
Tender No: CMRL/TDR-CON-30/C4-DPT-01-BW-03/2025- “Construction of Foot Over Bridge (FOB) Over stabling Bay Shed including closure of Admin Building Courtyard Roof and other allied works at Poonamallle Depot”
Project Status
CMRL Profile
Tender No: CMRL/CON-31/MTC-TVR/2025 – “Design and Redevelopment of Bus depot & facilities at Tiruvottiyur for Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) as part of Multi-modal integration of CMRL Phase-I Extension Project”
Contract agreement signed for Preparation of Detail Project Report, Feasibility study, Market analysis, Transactional advice, Concept plans, Land use report etc including submission of documents to CMDA/GCC for approval, preparation of Cost Estimate and Tender Documents for property development at MVN Nagar in Thirumangalam, Nandanam and Thousand Lights
Parking Facility
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/METROS/ZT-01/2024. “Civil Maintenance of METROS Complex including the officers Quarters at Nandanam and External painting of the Quarters”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP15-C3&5-AES06-LFT (Lumpsum tender) – “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) & Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations including Madhavaram Depot)
76th Republic Day Celebrated at MetroS CMRL Head Office
Detailed Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-02-2025 dated 22-01-2025 for the posts of Mgr (VAC & TVS) & AM (HR)”
Annual Report
A Landmark for Chennai! Contract Signed for Iconic Chennai Central Tower Worth Rs. 349.99 Crore.
Chennai Metro Rail Project Ranks Top 3 In Nationwide Safety Receives Suraksha Puraskar (Bronze Trophy)
Tender No: CMRL/P&D/CON/MMFC-KR-04R/29/2025: “Design and Construction of Civil, Structural, Architecture, MEP, VAC, Lifts, Escalators, Landscaping and Associated Works for Integrated Development of Multimodal Facility Complex with Kuralagam at Broadway, Chennai”
Detailed Emp Notification No.CMRL-HR-CON-12-2024 dated 04-09-2024 for the post of JGM / DGM Design (UG & EC) and other posts on Contract / Deputation basis.
CMRL – Detailed Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-13-2024 dated 18-09-2024 for the post of AGM (UG) & AGM (EC)
Extension of last date upto 24.05.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-06-2024 dated 10-03-2024 for the posts of AGM – JGM (RS), JGM (PS & OHE),other post
Extension of last date upto 24.05.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-04-2024 dated 07-02-2024 for the posts of GM (AFC,Tele & IT) & other posts on deputation / contract basis
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-07-2024 dated 09-05-2024 for the post of GM (Tracks) on deputation basis.
CMRL – Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-09-2024 dated 09.06.2024 for GM (Maintenance) and other posts
CMRL & IIT M – Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-10-2024 dated 09.06.2024 for various disciplines
Addendum cum Extension of Last date upto 03-06-2024 for Employment-Notification-No.-CMRL-HR-CON-10-2024-dated-09.06.2024 for CMRL-SPONSORED “PG DIPLOMA COURSE IN METRO RAIL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT” AT IIT MADRAS
Intimation of Interview date for CMRL Sponsored one year Full Time PGMRTM Course at IIT Madras
Intimation of Provisionally Selected candidates for CMRL Sponsored one-year full time PGMRTM Course at IIT Madras
CMRL – Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-11-2024 dated 07.08.2024 for the post of JGM / DGM (Architect) post on contract basis.
Detailed Employment Notification for Emp No.HR-CON-01-2025 dated 08-01-2025 for the post of AM (Civil) on contract- Exclusively for Women Candidates only
Tender No: CMRL/CON/HW/I&M/28/2025: “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Instrumentation works of existing Tunnel and UG Metro stations between Saidapet & Teynampet and Monitoring with automatic data acquisition software”
CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-26/HG-01R/2024 – “Engagement of Consultant for Review and Recommendations of Design Drawings/Documents of 15 no’s Phase II Metro stations as per the Harmonized Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility to Create a barrier free environment within the station premises”
Bid No.GEM/2024/B/5762479-Consultancy assignment to update the CMRL Tender Procedure Manual
Press Release
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SWC-01/2024 “Design, Supply, Fabrication and Installation of Fixed structural Glazing with Toughened Laminated Glass and Aluminium Louvers on the Side openings for the following stations (Wimco Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Thiruvottiyur Theradi, Kaladipet, Tollgate, and New Washermenpet) for CMRL Phase-I Extension stations.
Contract Agreement Signed for Procurement of 70 numbers of 3-car Driverless (UTO) Trains
Detailed Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-14-2024 dated 18-12-2024 for the post of AGM / JGM (Legal) & Other posts.
Detailed Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-15-2024 dated 18-12-2024 for the post of Director (S & O) on Contract / Deputation basis
Invitation of quotation for Septagon key Modification Work for Rolling Stock Door Isolation
Cancellation of AM (GC) post published vide Employment notification CMRL-HR-CON-DEP-06-2024 dated 10-03-2024.
Contract agreement signed for Preparation of Detail Project Report
Contract Agreement Signed for the Property Development for integrated land Parcels at Saidapet Metro station in Corridor-1 of CMRL Phase-1 awarded for a value of Rs. 33.00 Crore
INNOVAC2024: A Deep Dive into Tunnel Ventilation Technology and Air Conditioning System
Tender No: CMRL/CM/EC/VIADUCT & PIER/02/2024. “Comprehensive Maintenance of elevated structures for Corridor 1 (From Airport to Little Mount Ramp and New Washermenpet Ramp to Wimco Nagar Depot) and Corridor 2: From Koyambedu ramp to St. Thomas Mount of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I and Phase I Extension”.
Additional Entry opened at Egmore and Washermenpet Metro Stations
Japan International cooperation Agency
Tender No: CMRL/CON/PHASE-II/CORR-4-C4-E&M-06 – “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection works for 8 Underground Stations from Light House Metro to Kodambakkam Metro including Bored Tunnel between Stations, Cut & Cover Box, U Section and Ramp (Chainage 0 -173 M To 9+949 M) for Corridor- 4 Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II”
Additional Entry opened at Guindy Metro Station
Renaming Of Nanganallur Metro Station To “OTA – Nanganallur Road Metro Station”
OTA-Nanganallur Road
CMRL wins Gold in The GEEF Global Sustainability Awards 2024
Tender No: PHASE-II/CORR-3/CP11B-C3-E&M-02 – “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection and VAC Works for 9 Underground stations and 10 Elevated stations from RK Salai Station to Sholinganallur Station including Bored tunnel & Viaduct between the stations, Cut & Cover tunnel, U section and Elevated ramp (CH. 17250.000 to CH. 35437.030) for Corridor-3 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II”
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SGF-01/2024. “Supply and Installation of Safety Gap Fillers at passenger door locations in both upline & downline platforms and other associated works at required locations in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension stations of CMRL”
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FB-01/2024. “Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Flood Barriers and other associated civil works in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension of CMRL”
TENDER No. CMRL/Track/O&M/2024 – Tender For Supply & Installation of Standard Gauge Tracks including all associated works in CMRL Koyambedu Depot.
Vigilance Corner
Stringent monitoring and inspection
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/PPD/TDR-CON-23/2024 – “Design & Construction of RCC framed structure covering open transformer area at Alandur RSS (including civil, MEP & misc. Works”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP14-C5-AES03-ESC (Lumpsum tender) (Under JICA Loan Agreement ID-P 272) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy Duty Escalators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations)”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP13-C3-AES02-ESC (Lumpsum tender) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Escalators and Travelators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro stations)”
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/TDR-CON-25/2024 – “Design & Construction of Architectural, Structural, MEP Works, including Signage, Landscaping, Horticulture, and Miscellaneous Works for the Open Space Reservation (OSR) Land at Metros, Nandanam, Chennai”
TBM Palar Breakthrough at Sterling Road Shaft
Corrigendum No. 03 To Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
CMRL Signs Contract for Consultancy Services to Propel Property Development near Thirumangalam Metro Station
Contract Agreement Signed for the Design, Manufacturing Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Maintenance and Operation of a Self-Propelled Rail-Grinding Machine of (Minimum 8 Stones) Module awarded for a value of Rs. 53.02 crores.
Preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR) for Property Development including feasibility, market analysis, transactional advice, concept plans, land use report with submission of documents to CMDA/GCC forapproval and Tender Documents for land parcel along viaduct near Thirumangalam Metro Station, Chennai
Tender No.: CMRL/P&D/CS/TDR-DPR-24/2024 – “Preparation of Detail Project Report, Feasibility study, Market analysis, Transactional advice, Concept plans, Land use report etc including submission of documents to CMDA/GCC for approval, preparation of Cost Estimate and Tender Documents for property development at MVN Nagar in Thirumangalam ,Nandanam and Thousand Lights”
CMRL Expands Parking Amenities at Arignar Anna Alandur Metro Station for Enhanced Passenger Comfort
TBM Kaveri Breakthrough at Adyar Junction Station
CMRL App Data Deletion Request
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/PP&D/TDR-CON-22/2024 – “Design & Construction of a G+1 Government School Building near Okkiyam Thoraipakkkam (Including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing and Misc Works)”
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-21/SG-01/2024– “Consultancy Services for the upgradation of Phase I metro: Graphical guidelines, for the implementation in Phase II Metro”
Tender No.:CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-20/HG-01/ /2024– “Engagement of Consultant for Review and Recommendations of Design Drawings/Documents of 15 no’s Phase II Metro stations as per the Harmonized Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility to create a barrier free environment within the station premises”
KOYEMBEDU DEPOT 25 KV AC Over Head Equipment Modification for new AUTOWASH LINE NIT
Substation was Inaugurated at Poonamallee Depot
Corrigendum No.09 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ CP26/ARE02A/2023 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units) And Depot Machinery & Plant”
TBM Kolli (S 81) Breakthrough at Otteri shaft
MRTS line from Bommasandra (Bangalore) to Hosur via Attibele
Additional Parking Facility for Passenger Comfort at Thirumangalam Metro Station
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON&DEP-01-2023 dated 04-01-2023 – GM (S&T) on Deputation / Contract
Extension of Last Date upto 15-02-2023 for submission of application – Employment Notification No CMRL- HR-DEP-11-2022 – DGM / JGM (Civil) on Deputation
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-02-2023 dated 25-01-2023 – CVO on Deputation
Addendum – Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-02-2023 dated 25-01-2023 – CVO on Deputation
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-03-2023 dated 25-01-2023 – GM (P&BD) & AGM (CP) on Contract
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-04-2023, dated 10-02-2023 – DM / AM (System & Database Admin / Software Development) on Deputation basis
Extension of Last Date upto 17.03.2023 for submission of application – Employment Notification No CMRL- HR-DEP-11-2022 – DGM / JGM (Civil) on Deputation
Extension of Last Date upto 17-03-2023 – Employment Notification No CMRL-HR-DEP&CON-01-2023 for the post of GM (S & T)
Extension of Last Date upto 17-04-2023 – Employment Notification No CMRL-HR-DEP&CON-01-2023 for the post of GM (S & T)
Extension of Last Date upto 03-04-2023 – Employment Notification No CMRL-HR-DEP-11-2022 for the post of DGM/JGM (Civil)
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON&DEP-05-2023, dated 12-04-2023 – DGM / JGM/ AGM (F &A) on Contract / deputation & Other posts
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-06-2023, dated 26-04-2023 – DGM (Civil) & other posts on contract basis
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-07-2023, dated 31-05-2023 – CGM (CM), GM (P&BD), JGM (E&M) & AM (CS) on deputation / contract
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-08-2023, dated 05-07-2023 – GM/CGM (F&A) & Other posts.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-09-2023, dated 17-07-2023 – AGM/JGM/DGM (Rolling Stock) and other posts on deputation basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON&DEP-10-2023, dated 26-07-2023 – DGM (E&M) and other posts on deputation & contract basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-DEP-12-2023, dated 19-10-2023 – General Manager (Maintenance) on deputation basis.
Employment notification No. CMRL-HR-CON/DEP-11-2023 dated 01.11.2023 – Director (Finance) on Contract / Deputation basis
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-13-2023, dated 29-11-2023 – GM (Maintenance) & and other posts on contract basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-01-2024, dated 03-01-2024 – GM (EC) / AGM (EC) and other posts on contract basis
Cancellation – Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON&DEP-11-2023, dated 01-11-2023 – Director (Finance) on deputation / contract basis
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-DEP-02-2024, dated 10-01-2024 – Director (Finance) on contract / deputation basis.
Employment Notification No.CMRL-HR-CON-DEP-03-2024 – GM (S & T), dated 10-01-2024 on contract / deputation basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-DEP-04-2024 dated 07-02-2024 for the post of GM (AFC, Tele & IT) and other posts on contract / deputation basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-05-2024 dated 21-02-2024 for the post of JGM / DGM (Planning) and other posts on contract basis.
Employment Notification No. CMRL-HR-CON-DEP-06-2024 dated 10-03-2024 for AGM-JGM RS, JGM (PS & OHE) & other posts on contract / deputation basis.
Extension of last date upto 24.04.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-04-2024 dated 07-02-2024 for the posts of GM (AFC,Tele & IT) & other posts on deputation / contract basis
Extension of last date upto 09.05.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-04-2024 dated 07-02-2024 for the posts of GM (AFC,Tele & IT) & other posts on deputation / contract basis
Extension of last date upto 24.05.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-06-2024 dated 10-03-2024 for the posts of AGM – JGM (RS), JGM (PS & OHE),other post
Extension of last date upto 24.05.2024 for the Emp Notification No CMRL-HR-CON-04-2024 dated 07-02-2024 for the posts of GM (AFC,Tele & IT) & other posts on deputation / contract basis
Phase-1 OHE Sectioning Modification NIT.
Supply and laying of electrical cables on viaduct of CMRL Metro corridors to power the advertisement hoardings on the piers.
Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of Web & Mobile Application for Digitalisation of Registers, Workflow , Processes and Reports in CMRL Operations Department, including Training and necessary software, hardware, equipments/ consumables and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for both Software and hardware deliverables of the contract for 5 years.” through CPP portal(e-NIT No: CMRL-OPN 06-Operation Digitalisation-2024)
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FMS CIVIL-01/2024. “Provision of Facility Management Services (FMS) for Monitoring and Maintaining the Integrity of Civil Structures such as Viaducts, Tunnels, Station Buildings and other associated constructions in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension of CMRL”
Tender cum auction for Licensing of Advertisement Rights on Piers & Portals along the Corridor I & II of Phase 1 & it’s extension in CMRL Network – Packages (V, VIII, IX & X) on rolling basis
NIT No: CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/C4-ASA10A/2024 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Platform Screen Doors for CMRL Phase II – Light House Metro to Alapakkam Metro of Corridor 4”
NIT No. CMRL/PHASE–II/O&M /000/2024: for the Selection of the “Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Contractor for Chennai Metro Rail Phase II -Corridor-3 ((Madhavaram Milk Colony to Siruseri SIPCOT-II Metro), Corridor- 4 (Lighthouse to Poonamallee Bypass) and Corridor-5 (Madhavaram Milk Colony to Sholinganallur), including Maintenance Depots at Madhavaram, Poonamallee & Semmancheri”
NIT No: CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/C0-AFA05/2024 “Selection of Financial Institution (FI) for Issuance of National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) and Acquiring Services for Chennai Metro”
Pneumatic Laboratory and Tool Crib launched at Rolling Stock shed in Chennai Metro Koyambedu Depot
Independence Day Celebrated at CMRL MetroS, Anna Salai, Nandanam
Chennai Metro introduces non-KYC based Ongo Ride NCMC card for Metro commuters at 13 select Chennai Metro Rail Stations
Customer Care (Feedback & Grievance Form)
Vigilance Complaint Form
Vigilance Online Complaints
CMRL Fare Table
TBM Siruvani Breakthrough at Sterling Road Junction in Corridor 3 from Madhavaram Milk Colony to Siruseri Sipcot.
Comprehensive LED Lighting Solution for Improved Visibility and Sustainability
Preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR) for Property Development including feasibility, market analysis, transactional advice, concept plans, land use report with submission of documents to CMDA/GCC forapproval and Tender Documents for standalone land parcels near Metro Stations of Corridor-3, CMRL, Phase-2
Design and Construction of Telephone Exchange building for BSNL and Cattle Feed Production Building for Co-Op Society at Poonamallee Chennai- (Civil & MEP Works)
Preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR) for Property Development including market analysis, transactional advice, land use report and Tender Documents for integrated land Parcels at Metro station entry/ exit in Corridor-3 &5, CMRL Phase-2
Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for introducing Mass Rapid Transit System between Poonamalle and Parandur as part of Chennai Metro Rail Limited network
Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for introducing Mass Rapid Transit System between Koyambedu and Avadi as part of Chennai Metro Rail Limited network
Construction of Road and Drain for a Length of Approximately 2.0 Km outside Poonamallee Depot Boundary
Construction of Civil, Architectural, MEP & Allied Works in 12th floor of MetroS Building in Nandanam, Anna Salai, Chennai
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of LED Backlit LCD Based Dynamic Route Map Display System in the Existing 52 Trains of CMRL
Design Manufacture Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts Escalators and Travelators for CMRL Phase II Corridor3&5 (From Sholinganallur Lake I to Siruseri Sipcot II and Koyambedu Market to Elcot Park metro).
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Telecommunication System for Corridor 3 (Madhavaram Milk Colony to Sholinganallur) and Corridor 5 (Madhavaram Milk Colony to Koyambedu Metro) Of CMRL Phase II, including Depot at Madhavaram
Design, manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Platform Screen Doors for Corridor 3 (Madhavaram Depot Metro to Tharamani Metro) and Corridor 5 (Kolathur Junction Metro to Villivakam MTH road Metro) of CMRL Phase II
Design, manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Platform Screen Doors for Corridor 3 (Madhavaram Depot Metro to Tharamani Metro) and Corridor 5 (Kolathur Junction Metro to Villivakam MTH road Metro) of CMRL Phase II
Facilities for Women Passengers
Metro Connect Service to Corporates (Office/Institutions)
Metro Connect (Feeder Service)
How to file an RTI Application
Contract Agreement Signed for the Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for introduction of Metro Corridor from Koyambedu to Avadi awarded for a value of Rs. 80.48 Lakhs
Contract Agreement Signed for the Preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR) for Property Development for integrated land Parcels at Metro station entry/exit in Corridor-3&5 of CMRL Phase-2 awarded for a value of Rs. 57.00 Lakhs.
Contract Agreement Signed for the Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Metro Corridor from Poonamalle to Parandur for a Value of Rs.1.74 Cr
DIPR-P.R.No.1012-Hon’ble Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development-CMRL Works Inspection-Press Release-Date 21.07.2024
Metro Connect Service from Little Mount Metro Station to International Tech Park (ITPC), Taramani
Facilities for Differently Abled People
Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. M.G.Ramachandran Central
Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. M.G. Ramachandran Central
Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
Awarded Tenders
Shri. M.A. Siddique, IAS
Why Metro Rail
EIA Reports
Tender Dev Detail
Tender Dev
Telecom Related
AIIB Visited Coimbatore today (04.07.2024)
AIIB has come for periodic review mission for Phase II project at Chennai and also Visited Madurai
CMRL achieved a significant milestone today (June 27, 2024)
Exclusive Metro Connect Request Form
Multimodal Integration
Job Notifications
Winner of Green World Award 2023
Gazette Notification
TBM Anaimalai (S98) Breaks through
Chennai Metro Rail Awards Advertising Contract to Mudra Ventures
Store Value Card
Phase II
Senior Management
Kiosk Spaces
Semi – Naming
Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) O & M
Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) Project
Annual Procurement Projections
Items Not To Carry
Phase I
Travel Planner
CMRL winner of Best Practices in HR by Tamil Nadu’s
Nehru Park by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 14-05-17
Nehru Park to Central Metro and in Blue Line from Little Mount to AG-DMS
Park by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 14-05-17
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 14-05-17
Inauguration of Passenger services from Thirumangalam to Nehru Park
Gratitude to Headmistress and Artist of Greater Chennai Corporation
Inauguration of Passenger services from Thirumangalam
Cash Award for Headmistress and Artists of Greater Chennai Corporation
A total of 256 persons got benefited from the Free General Medical Health Camp
Metro Margazhi Edit – Music Performance conducted
On The Streets of Chennai Music Performance conducted today
On The Streets of Chennai Music Performance conducted
1470 persons benefited from the Free CPR Awareness Programs
A total of 62 persons got benefited from the Free Medical Health Camp
On The Streets of Chennai Music Performance conducted
On The Streets of Chennai Music Performance conducted
A total of 62 persons got benefited from the Free Medical Health Camp
The Landscaping and Subway Works Of Central Square Inauguration
A total of 796 persons got benefited from the Free Medical Health
Kindness Week being celebrated at Chennai Metro
Select Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
Thiru. M.A. Siddique, I.A.S., Principal Secretary, Government
Thiru. M.A. Siddique, I.A.S., Principal Secretary
10 km Viaduct with 10 Metro Stations under Chennai
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
CMRL has awarded the Contract ARE-03A for supply
58,528 students have been taken the experiential learning
Rewarded with gifts will be given to ticketing staff
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
152 people participated in the free medical camp
Cultural Festival at Ashok Nagar Metro Station
Announcement of 30 lucky draw winners
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners of Lucky Draw
People of all ages should follow nutritious
Announcement of 30 lucky draw winners
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners of Lucky
M.K. Stalin and Honorable Union Minister
Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has provided Platform
Chennai Metro Rail Limited Exhibition Hall has taken place at the Urban Mobility
Phase 2 Rolling Stock Contract Agreement signed
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase-II, Route-3 One Tunnel Construction Works
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
Signing of Contract for construction of track works of Standard Gauge including all Associated
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
At the ongoing 47th Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation
M/s. Linxon India Private Limited has been awarded a contract
M/s Voltas Limited has been awarded a contract
Metro Connect: Last Mile Connectivity Facility between Arignar
Tunneling commenced at Greenways Road Station in Corridor
Cultural Festival at Central Square & Gift Vouchers and Rewards
Chennai Metro Phase 2 Depot Machinery and Plant for Poonamallee Depot
The selection committee inspected the MetroS replica model exhibited
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning
Chennai Metro Rail Pavilion awarded third place in the State Government
Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Madurai Mass Rapid Transit System
Automatic Train Wash Plant for exterior cleaning of Metro Trains and Mobile
CMRL and Rapido Launch Women Bike Taxi Captain’s
Contract Agreement Signing For CP18A-ATW-09 – JICA Funded
Contract Agreement Signing For C3-ECV-01 – ADB Funded Elevated
CMRL in association with ACMA conducting a technology
Gift Vouchers and Rewards distributed to the 30 winners
Madhavaram Milk Colony to CMBT, including Depot at Madhavaram
Contract awarded for CMRL/PHASE-II/SYS/CP20.2-OHE-07/2021
Opportunity to set up a business, a commercial space
Launch of MTC Minibus and Mauto Pride (LEGGO)
M/s. Larsen & Toubro Limited has been awarded Telecom
Contract Agreement Signed for construction of Metro Stations
Top 10 commuters of April, May and June 2023 felicitated
Contract Agreement Signed for construction of Metro Stations
Contract Agreement Signed for construction of Operation Control
Chennai Metro partners with Paytm to digitize metro
Detailed Feasibility Reports (DFR) for introducing
Launching of 1st Tunnel Boring Machine (Flamingo – S1352A)
Commissioning of automated concrete distribution system
Chennai Metro Rail Limited Signed Three (03) Contract Agreements
Detailed Feasibility Reports (DFR) for recommending Metro Rail
Chennai Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital Metro Rail
Rajesh Chaturvedi, Director of Chennai Metro Rail, launched
Chennai Metro Rail Administration: Repair Work on Arcot Road
Contract Agreement Signed for construction of Five (05)
Vigilance Awareness Week Celebrations observed
Walkathon held at Thiru. Vi.Ka Park, Shenoy Nagar
Chennai Metro Rail Limited bags Gold in Green Apple
Platinum Rating – IGBC Green MRTS Certification
Phase 2 Rolling Stock Supplementary Contract Agreement
MEMCO Associates (India) Private limited
Detailed Feasibility Report for recommending Mass Rapid Transport System
Letter of Award (LOA) has been issued to State Bank of India
Metro Connect Service from Arignar Anna Alandur
Second TBM “EAGLE” launched from Light House
Contract Agreement Signed for “Preparation of Feasibility
Electronics laboratory is established at Rolling Stock Division
Contract Agreement Signed for Traffic Demand Forecast for studying
Passengers can now book their Chennai Metro Tickets directly
Commencement of Production of trains for CMRL Phase-2 Network
Inauguration of Passenger Services in Green Line
Contract Agreement Signed for Reassessment of Travel Demand Forecasting Study
Contract Awarded for Electrical and Mechanical Systems
Project Gallery
Photo Gallery
Live Tenders
Empanelled Consultants
Retail Spaces
AVM / ATM Machines
Facility for Women
Wimco Nagar Depot Station
Film Shooting
Depot & Viaducts
Phase II – Land
Road Diversion
Project Brief
Environmental Awareness Training
Environment of School Students during Plantation Activity
Contract Awarded for Lifts & Escalator works of Corridor 3 and 5 in CMRL Phase II Project
“THE PINK SQUAD” – One more pioneering step by CMRL for ensuring Women Safety
Travel, Win, Enjoy: Mega Prize Bonanza Event for Singara Chennai Card Top Riders!
75th Republic Day Celebrated at METROS Building CMRL Head Office
Metro QR Ticketing via WhatsApp at Ticketing counters.
Customer Interaction Meeting
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between CMRL and CIDC
HR Excellence Awards for Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Kaveri TBM Tunnels Under Adyar River!
ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certification to CMRL Operation & Maintenance
Platform Screen Doors (PSD) Contract Agreement signed between CMRL and M/s ST Engineering Urban Solutions Ltd.
Chennai Metro Rail Well Prepared to Tackle North-East Monsoon Season
Contract Agreement Signed for maintenance services for Thiru.Vi.Ka.Park for a value of Rs.4.59 crore
Green Champion Award for Chennai Metro Rail
TBM Podhigai (S97) Breakthrough at Madhavaram High Road
Independence Day Celebrated at CMRL MetroS, Anna Salai , Nandanam
A Gigantic National Flag flies 24 hours a day at the head office of the CMRL, MetroS
Phase II– S96 (Nilgiri) TBM Breakthrough at Madavaram High Road
Launch of CMRL Metro Connect Service – Enhancing Commuting Convenience
Renovated Parking facility opened at the Arignar Anna Alandur Metro Station
Madurai Metro Rail
Additional Passenger Amenities at Tondiarpet Metro Station
Phase II– S98 (Anaimalai) TBM Breakthrough at Venugopal Nagar Shaft
Bulk QR Ticket Booking by Corporate in CMRL Revolutionizes Commuting Experience
Chennai Metro Rail Limited won the HR Strategy “Leading Practices” Award, 2023
Factory Acceptance Test of 2nd Tunnel Boring Machine for corridor 4, UG 01
Chennai Metro Rail Limited launches WhatsApp Ticketing Service
Factory Acceptance Test of 1st Tunnel Boring Machine for corridor 4, UG02
Additional Passenger Amenities in Metro Stations
Extended Parking facility opened at the Nanganallur Road Metro Station
Madhavaram Metro Train Depot being constructed at a cost of Rs.284.51 crore
International Women’s Day celebrations held at CMRL Admin Building
Factory Acceptance Test of 1st Tunnel Boring Machine for Corridor 4, UG – 01
74th Republic Day Celebrated at METROS Building CMRL Head Office
Live Music Show conducted at Puratchi Thalaivar Dr.M.G. Ramachandran Central Metro Station
Signing of Contract for the procurement of 60 Kg HH 1080 Grade Rails of CMRL Phase – 2 project
Inspection of Manufacturing Facility of M/s. Alstom Transport India Limited in Sri City, TADA.
Awe50me weekend Music Performance conducted at Metro Stations and Metro Trains
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Metro Stations
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Metro Stations
Announcement of 30 lucky draw winners for (21st October & 20th November 2022)
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Metro Stations
Independence Day Celebrated at Chennai Metro Rail Limited
75th Independence Day Folk Art Performances at Vimco Nagar Metro Station
Cultural Festival at Puratchi Thalaivar Dr.M.G. Ramachandran Central Metro Station
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Metro Stations
Rotary Metro Hunt conducted at Arignar Anna Alandur Metro Station today (07-08-2022)
Additional Amenities at Airport Metro Station for the benefir of Chennai Metro Rail Passengers
30 Winners of Lucky Draw (21st June & 20th July 2022) selected.
100 enthusiastic children taken on a joy ride in Metro Train Today (16.07.2022)
Mock Drill of NDRF conducted at CMRL Admin Building today (08-07-2022)
Chennai Metro News 7 6 22
Metro rail card 22
Illankai issue of ticket
25 Thousand Tree Planting Scheme
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Metro Stations
Shenoy Nagar Metro Park
215 enthusiastic children taken on a joy ride as part of World Autistic Pride Day
Free CPR Awareness Programs at Shenoy Nagar and Kilpauk Metro Stations
Today inaugurated Airport metro facilities
30 winners of Lucky Draw (21st April – 20th May 2022) selected
30 Winners of Lucky Draw (21st March – 20th April 2022) selected
International Women’s Day Celebrations held at CMRL Admin Building
73rd Republic Day Celebrated at Chennai Metro Rail Limited
CMRS inspection for Phase-I Extension Metro Stations
Station Informations
Mobile Applications
Fare Calculator
Latest Updates
Chennai Metro Travel Card can be easily
Metro Margazhi Edit – Music and Parai Performance
Notice 1
Lost & Found Enquiry
Time Table
Facilities for Differently Abled People Backup
MTC Small Bus Services
Metro Margazhi Edit Music Performance
A total of 234 persons got benefited
Vigilance Awareness Week
A total of 248 persons got benefited
A total of 265 persons got benefited
A total of 258 persons got benefited
A total of 247 persons got benefited
A total of 268 persons got benefited
Metro Margazhi Edit – Parai Performance conducted
October 2020
Dr. D. J. Pandian, Vice President of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
A total of 270 persons got benefited from
First Metro Train Set of Chennai
Azadi Ka Amruth Mahotsav – Chennai Day celebrations
Independance Day Celebrations
January Gallery 2020
February Gallery 2020
March Gallery 2020
Foundation Stone for Phase II of Chennai Metro Rail Project
Narendra Modi inaugurated the passenger services in the Phase-I Extension of CMRL Project
August 2020
September 2020
The Month-Long Traditional Games event at Guindy Metro Station.
The Month-Long Traditional Games event at Guindy Metro Station.
Vigilance Awareness Week Celebrations observed at Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Vigilance Awareness Week Celebrations observed at Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Vigilance Awareness Week Celebrations observed at Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Business Development
Ashok Nagar
Pachaiyappa’s College
Shenoy Nagar
Anna Nagar East
Anna Nagar Tower
St. Thomas Mount
About Us
Nehru Park
Kilpauk Medical College
Koyambedu Depot
Puratchi Thalaivi Dr. J. Jayalalithaa CMBT
Arignar Anna Alandur
Thousand Lights
Government Estate
High Court
Sri Theagaraya College
Thiruvottriyur Theradi
Wimco Nagar Metro
Chennai Airport
New Washermanpet
Little Mount
Arignar Anna Alandur
Inauguration of Passenger Services in Green Line from Nehru
Inauguration of Passenger services from Thirumangalam
Inauguration of Passenger Services in Green Line from Nehru Park
Inauguration of Passenger services from little
Inauguration of Passenger services from little mount
Chennai Metro Rail Administration Building
Inauguration of Passenger services from little mount
Rolling Stock on the Elevated Viaduct
Inauguration of Passenger services from little mount
The Honble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Selvi J JAYALALITHAA
Thiru M Vekaiah Naidu, the Honble Union
Commissioning of Washing line in progress (20-11-2014)
Ekkatuthangal Station Work in Progress (21-11-2014)
Inspection line-Walk way work in progress (22-11-2014)
Koyambedu Station Work in Progress(23-11-2014)
Transfer of Technology and Progress (29-11-2014)
Infrastructure shed-Commissioning
Electrical works using Over Head Maintenance
St Thomas Mount Metro work in progress (27-02-15)
Meenambakkam Metro Station work in progress (27-02-15)
Airport Station work in progress (27-02-15)
Entrance work in progress (28-02-15)
Nineteenth Train reached CMRL depot (28-02-15)
Ancillary building work in progress
Ashok Nagar work in Progress (17-05-15)
Depot View Work In Progress (18-05-15)
Rolling Stock shed Work in Progress (19-05-15)
Work in progress at Government Estate station (20-05-15)
Stabling shed Work In Progress (20-05-15)
Work in progress at High Court station (21-05-15)
Viaduct over Kathipara bridge (21-05-15)
works in progress Guindy Metro and Alandur
Track work progress between Thirumangalam
Track work progress between Thirumangalam
Line Map
Contact Us
Commissioning of Washing line in progress (20-11-2014)
Test EOI
Awarded Tenders
Winner of Green Apple Award 2023
translocation of 80 Years old Brazillian Ironwood Tree
translocation of 75 Years old Mahagony Tree
Installation of Planter boxes at Stations
Ecological Vibrant Unit at CMRL Admin Building
Green Initiative Gallery
Expression of Interest
St Thomas Mount Metro Station Work In Progress (23-05-15)
Tunnel Ventilation
Alandur Station work in Progress (24-05-15)
Train No.24 Was Reached in Koyambedu Depot (25-05-15)
Train No.23 Was Reached in Koyambedu Depot (25-05-15)
Work in progress at Kilpauk station (26-05-15)
Work in Progress Guindy Metro staion (29-05-15)
Work in Progress Little Mount station (29-05-15)
Work in Progress St Thomas Mount Metro station (30-05-15)
Chennai Metro Rail Inauguration Function (29-06-15)
Chennai Metro Rail Inauguration Function (29-06-15)
Officials Of CMRL and GC at Trail
inspection in progress
MD CMRL along with Director Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Inauguration Function (29-06-15)
Progress from Nanganallur Road to Airport (22-05-15)
Board of Directors