In an attempt to curtail the spreading of Covid 19 virus, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu had announced earlier for closure of all public transports including Metro Train services till 31st March 2020 in a bid to curtail the spread of the Covid 19 virus in the state. Due to pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, as per the directive by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for a complete lock down in a bid to control the spread of the virus till 14th April 2020 and in addition to the directive by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to keep all public transports including Metro Train services closed till 14th April 2020 in the State of Tamil Nadu. Chennai Metro Rail Limited has decided to keep its services closed till 14th April 2020 as per the above directives. The move is aimed at encouraging the public to stay indoors and maintain social distancing, which is essential in the fight against Covid- 19