Shri. S. Krishnamoorthy, IRAS

Shri S. Krishnamoorthy belongs to 1989 batch of Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS). He has a service record of 34 years in various capacities in Southern Railway and Central Railway.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Technology in Chemical Engineering (1982-86) from A.C. College of Technology, Chennai and M.B.A (1986-88) from College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai.

Before joining as Director Finance in Chennai Metro Rail Limited, he had worked as Principal Financial Advisor of Southern Railway. He has wide experience in Finance & Accounts, Project Management, Contract Management, Revenue Generation and Business Development.

He had also worked in CMRL on deputation as Chief General Manager and Chief Vigilance Officer during the period 2008-13 and implemented the Phase-1 of Chennai Metro Rail Project.